Monday, December 21, 2020

Illinois House Approves Lowering 'Home Alone' Law Age To 12 Across Illinois, IL Patch

If your neighborhood is unsafe, if there are no adults nearby to call in case of emergency or if your child must remain alone for a very long time, it is best to continue to use some form of child care even if your child seems ready to stay alone. Coobes suggests parents talk to their kids about boundaries, and maybe a trial run where the child is left home for a small amount of time. She recommends not allowing children to answer the door when home alone, unless it’s a trusted person like a family member. Any parents who leave their children age 13 or younger home alone may be guilty of neglect under Illinois state law. Later, 15 vague factors – from the duration of time the child was left unsupervised to the weather – are considered while the parents defend themselves against the allegations.

illinois law child home alone

Not only should the state only intervene in extreme cases where protection of the child is necessary, but it should provide Illinois parents with guidance so they can be sure they are not violating the law. Relying on factors to be interpreted by a government official provides no guidance to a parent struggling to understand what the law allows her to do. Illinois lawmakers should act to revise the law to make clear what is and what is not considered neglect and to provide assurance to parents that leaving their responsible children home alone after school will not result in the state taking those kids into custody.

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Parents know their children better than anyone, which is why Scherer’s bill gives parents the deserved authority over when their kids are mature enough to be unsupervised. Illinois’ minimum age of 14 is the highest age in the nation, and 39 states have no minimum at all. When discussing the issues with your children, give information gradually rather than all at once. Present your children with several situations and have them act out their responses. Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart, a state representative at the time, co-sponsored legislation defining child abandonment as leaving a child under 14 alone for 24 hours. Letting a 12-year-old home alone is better than the state deciding no 13-year-old is responsible enough and parents can’t assess their own children’s maturity.

illinois law child home alone

The Illinois Criminal Code also makes child abandonment a Class 4 felony. A second offense is a Class 3 felony, you could face 2 to 5 years in prison. There are 39 states that set no minimum age to leave a child home alone, they leave that up to parents.

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The measure also clarifies that neglect does not include allowing children to walk or bike to school or nearby businesses and recreational activities, or to play outside on their own. The bill would protect parents who let their older children be at home alone after school before they get home from work, for example, Sosnowski said. The Illinois House overwhelmingly approved a bill Wednesday that would lower the age at which children could be left home without supervision. Communicates Openly - be able to talk easily with you about interests and concerns. Good parent-child communication is needed to ensure that any fears or problems that arise because of staying alone can be quickly discussed and dealt with.

illinois law child home alone

For educational purposes only as well as to give you general information and a general understanding of Illinois law, not to provide specific legal advice. By using this website you understand that there is no attorney client relationship between you and The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C.. The website should not be used as a substitute for competent legal advice from a licensed professional attorney in Illinois. The law changes constantly and we do not go back in time to edit old posts that may be affected by these changes. If you have any questions about Illinois law, which is the only State this blog and website discusses, please call The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C. For a free consultation and do not draw any legal conclusions without speaking to a competent attorney in Illinois first.

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The state should amend its laws and rules to safeguard parental choice while still protecting children by intervening only in extreme cases. This case prompted the nation to revisit the idea of parents leaving children home alone, and to think about what punishments are necessary for parents who abandon their young children. While recognizing that many factors may apply, Illinois law lists15 specific factors to be considered when deciding whether a child has been left alone for an unreasonable period. The law doesn’t define “an unreasonable period of time,” leaving it up to the interpretation of government employees, opening up potential to abuse the rule. Most 13-year-olds can responsibly stay home alone and watch over younger siblings for an extended period of time. Parents best know their child’s maturity and abilities, not an officer or case worker from DCFS.

As for babysitting younger children, that is a fraught situation, Coobes said. She does not recommend having 11- and 12-year-olds babysitting children under five, particularly if there are three or more children in the home without adults. They need to be able to reach somebody responsible if they get lonely or if they are afraid. And they need to have a safe place to go if there is an emergency.

House unanimously passes bill to let Illinois parents leave teens home alone

Initially presenting it as a temporary arrangement lets children know they can choose not to continue if they are uncomfortable staying alone and allow parents to end the arrangement more easily if they feel the child is unable to handle the situation. A new bill looks to change the minimum age parents can legally leave their children home alone from 14 to 12. This law disproportionally affects single-parent, lower-income households, where paying for child care after school is cost-prohibitive.

Eight-year-old Dorothy was walking Marshmallow around the block by herself when a neighbor noticed and called police. That would have been bad news for the parents in the 1990 film “Home Alone.” They accidentally left 8-year-old Kevin McAllister behind at their Winnetka home, in a frantic rush to get out the door for the family Christmas trip to Paris. This blog is made available by The Law Office of Tiffany M. Hughes, P.C.

Only a handful of other states have a minimum age for leaving children home alone. For example, three states list 12 as the minimum age for leaving children home alone, while three states set the minimum age at 8. At least 30 states have no minimum age for when a child can be left home alone. If you are thinking of leaving your child at home , you need to take into account your child’s maturity and development. The State of Illinois does not define what a reasonable period of time is, as this varies from child to child and may depend on the circumstances of each family. To best protect yourself and your child, you should only leave your child at home alone for a very minimum amount of time.

illinois law child home alone

Parents are legally responsible for their children’s welfare until they reach adulthood. The law Illinois passed in response to the “Home Alone” case set the highest minimum age in the country for leaving children unsupervised. Only two other states set minimum ages, according to the Children’s Bureau of the U.S. It is also important to understand that parents and other persons responsible for a minor's welfare also face risks.

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